How to Follow God's Presence

Though I must confess that I generally approach Numbers with a bit of an attitude, today's reading did a number on my heart. Finally, after all the instructions about how to build the tabernacle, after Israel has actually built it, and after all of the laws about cleanliness, this is the first bit of story we’ve had since Exodus! I was surprised to find it, and especially surprised to think it relevant. Numbers 9 tells us about God’s presence encompassed in a cloud that covered the tabernacle. The text says,

On the day that the tabernacle was set up, the cloud covered the tabernacle.

Imagine that. The presence of God in a cloud covering his house. What would that look like? Was it a dark cloud? A white cloud? Was it right above it? High above it? I'm filled with questions that the text doesn't answer for my detail-desiring self. The next verse says,

so it was always: the cloud covered it by day and the appearance of fire by night.

Wow. Fire by night?! More questions flood my mind. Obviously, Israel at this time is under the old covenant--before the law was written on our hearts and the Spirit of God dwelled inside believers--so at this time in Israel’s history God absolutely dwelled in the tabernacle. His presence was in the tent of the testimony and it showed--powerfully--by cloud and fire. The description of the cloud continues in verse 17,

And whenever the cloud lifted from over the tent, after that the people Israel set out, and in the place where the cloud settled down, there the people of Israel camped.

Israel's movement through the wilderness is determined by the physical presence of God. Oh, how that seems like luxury!!! I, for the first time in the Bible, want to be Israel! If you, like me are in a time of possible transition or decision making--wouldn't it be nice to be able to follow a cloud of the Lord’s presence to the exact place he’d have us sit and camp out for a while? Whenever we were supposed to move on the cloud would go first, and we would have to follow! 

The description of Israel following the cloud of the presence of God does, however, include one aspect that isn’t mentioned in the text. Because Israel set out at the command of the Lord and also camped at the command of the Lord. They had to be ready to leave whenever; and maybe worse, sometimes they couldn’t leave when they wanted to. Though the work of God was explicit and they could follow something as obvious as fire, I have to imagine that sometimes they would’ve rather done the opposite. Sometimes, they probably wanted to stay put or weren't quite ready to leave. Yet, they were still called to action…still called to live in the midst of transition…still called to take their cues from the very presence of God. 

This is why in my reading this morning I found myself wishing for a similar, fire-burning cloud to guide us through this next phase of life: whether leading on to uncharted wilderness or simply remaining--having us stay where we are for a time. Something so obvious as a cloud above our house would be a real treat. Yet, I know God still moves and he still guides. May we trust the Spirit of God to move and guide us today like the cloud and fire did for Israel.