2020: Tell me how you really feel

Stream of consciousness warning.

Sometimes after I lose myself in news articles, YouTube responses, or social media posts, I feel like we're in a sinking ship. My heart has been wrestling with the fight against racism in particular, but it even feels like that battle is set in a much larger war.

I mean, with the pandemic we’re still experiencing. The global one? The thing that took lives, isolated millions, and normalized and idealized mask wearing across the country. And don’t forget the 2020 election coming up. The obscene amount of national debt. The limitless power of the media to manipulate our thinking. 

The tension feels like we're on the verge of something—the new normal everyone’s referring to, a shift in power, or this looming turning point in history.

And it’s intentional, you know? The fact that many of us feel anger or fear or helplessness when we think about the world and wherever it’s headed. 

It’s all intentional.

The anxiety we felt when we couldn’t get toilet paper. The way we get information—what goes viral immediately compared to what takes a few days to come to light. Why we don't hear about peace and unity but see instance after instance of unrest and violence. The reason you feel like it’s us vs. them. (Fill in the blank there... White vs. black. Left vs. Right. Rural vs. City. Gen Z vs. Boomers.)

There’s comfort in mob mentality, but at what cost? Isolation and alienation from those different from you? 

That’s not community. It’s not togetherness. And it’s not a kingdom mindset.

I’m not talking conspiracy theories—can’t even get into those or I lose sleep.

But I am talking about control and who we let dictate our outlook on life. Are we consulting our phones or our friends before we invest the time to think critically about these issues and come to our own decisions? And if we’re neglecting truth seeking (it’s hard work, unpopular at times, and takes time), are we aware our fervor for a particular issue may be the desired outcome of a contrived behind the scenes effort? Whose agenda are we unconsciously pushing? It's a rattling thought, but I know I'm just so naive—it’s hard to trust my gut anymore.

I’m hesitant to act not out of fear, but because I feel like we’re all being played.

Covid-19 is real, racism is EVIL, and our hope can never be in the government, but being faithful in the midst of the turmoil is proving to be quite the balancing act.

Can’t we still choose kindness? Are we still able to be generous in our thoughts and assumptions about people and their behavior?

That's why I still think it comes down to loving your neighbor.

It has to.

Or else, what are we doing?