How to meet your neighbors without saying anything

Confession. Even for someone as crazy about neighboring as I am, sometimes I still get nervous about walking up to someone’s door just to welcome them to the neighborhood or introduce myself. There’s that moment after knocking where I think to myself, “Quick! there’s still time to run!”

But, most often, I don’t run; most often, I take a deep breath and stay put.

A surprising majority of the time, no one answers, and my introvert self breathes a sigh of relief. But when someone does answer, I introduce myself and we exchange a few introductory sentences before each of us go on our merry way.

The reason for initiating such a seemingly outgoing point of contact is this: to start the neighboring relationship.

If you care about neighboring, then this simple, first step has to happen.

And I for one would rather it be sooner. That way we avoid potential awkward eye contacts and missed moments. We can begin smiling, exchanging regular greetings, and getting to know them.

Now, if you’re never the type to just walk up to someone’s door and say, “heeeeeey!"" don’t stop reading just yet. We (me and my toddlers) designed a simple way to make that first step towards building that neighboring relationship happen.

LN_Door Hanger.jpg

And we’ve made it available to you as a free printable.

Its formal title is the Littlest Neighbor, “Meet Your Neighbor” door hanger and postcard.

Makes you want to download it, eh?

The easiest way to access it is through the subscribe button at, but you’re already on our website, so I firmly believe you can manage to navigate there on your own…if you’d still like the link…here it is!

Type in your email quick, and we’ll send a confirmation email to your inbox with a link for the download! If it’s not showing up right away, check your promotions folder, and drag it on over to your primary inbox if you’d like to receive our content in the future. And don't worry…I’m talking, maybe monthly emails—my kids are toddlers and as a mom I have a lot of jobs, but overloading your inbox isn't one of them!

Open the email, give it a quick glance, and the click the confirm button! Like magic, our download will pop up in a new window.

From here you can follow the handy instructions on the printable or follow the following steps.

  1. Print the door hanger. Your printer might be able to print double sided or, like me, you may have to finagle a way to make it happen. If you’re not up for going to battle with your printer, just print the document as is, and you’ll end up pasting them back to back. Totally acceptable. You can select black and white if you don’t want hit to print in color, but we definitely recommend printing on card stock so it's a little beefier when you leave it at your neighbors’ door.

  2. Follow the prompts on the printable to include your family’s information and involve your kids as much as you have the patience for.

  3. Cut out the door hanger or postcard and you’re good to go. 

  4. Bake up a batch of treats, if you’re feeling fancy, (see our favorite recipes here) and leave these on the doorstep with your introduction! 

  5. Deliver.

Now, it’s possible the thought’s lingering in your mind…what if my neighbor sees me? What if I have to say something!! I promise, this isn’t as scary as it may seem. What’s such a gift about using our printable is you have a reason for being on their steps, or walking up to their front door, and y’all, reasons take all the pressure off when it comes to meeting people! No small talk necessary. Just be honest!

You’d just spout off something like, “Oh heeey! I’m Kaylee, this is Amos & Gal, and we live down the street! We just wanted to drop this off and introduce ourselves! So happy you’ve moved in!” Or, if it’s not a new neighbor, just one you haven’t met yet, say something like, “We're trying to get to know our neighbors and are excited to meet you!”

It’s as simple as that! 

Now the reality of neighboring, is once you leave the door hanger or printable, your neighbors may or may not text you. They may even have to ask for your number months down the road, but don’t let it get to you. Keep smiling. Keep reaching out.

With this little door hanger, you’ll reach the foundational step of your neighboring efforts. The first benchmark to meeting your neighbors and building rapport complete. Initial contact. Connection.

You can do it.

Let us know how your experience using our “meet your printable” goes with your family and your neighbors in the comments below! 

P.S. Here’s the video version of this post, if you want to go for round 2 of this content.

P.P.S. If you don’t have kids at home, not to worry, we made a version of the printable for you too. Use this link for a couples and singles version of our “meet your neighbor” door hanger.